UPOL Summer Schools [1]
This is a friendly reminder that the application deadline for summer schools at Palacký University Olomouc is fast approaching. Registration closes on 30 April 2024.
Audio-visual media, drama therapy, healhcare or brewing your own beer? These are just some of the specializations you can choose from. Here is the full list [2].
Apart from the stimulating academic programme and trips organized by UPOL, you can enjoy local concerts by Ed Sheeran, Queens of the Stone Age, Lenny Kravitz, Sean Paul, Sam Smith and many more!
Get 10% off your tuition fee with the discount code UPOLAS24 (apply at checkout).
Czech Republic
Palacký University Olomouc
Publication date:
Πέμπτη, 4 Απρίλιος 2024
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